Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Will I EVER run outside again?

I ask you, does THIS look like the kind of weather a half-smart person would run in? For those of you who answered "yes", please click

I was able to at least get to the gym for an hour on the elliptical. It didn't take too much effort to talk myself out of the dreadmill. Since the weather report is calling for another week of zero or below temps around here, this ice and snow will stick around on the streets and sidewalks, so that means I'm gonna be ticking off my Garmin 205 again!

On a better note, I was able to drop about 3 pounds in the past week! I think the healthy eating is making ALL the difference, but it would do my head a LOT of good if I could get outside.

All still going PERFECT on the baby front! We are into week 35 now, which means the babies physical development is pretty much complete and he/she will spend the next few weeks putting on weight. Oh what a life!

Our due date is March 21st (the day after my twins boys will turn 23) but I'm shooting for St. Patty's Day and have only contribited very Irish names :-)

May you get all your wishes but one,
So you always have something to strive for


jen said...

Hi Kevin, thanks for checking out my blog. :) I'll definitely be following yours too, especially with the baby on the way! My thoughts are with you and your family, hoping for a healthy babe. :) Happy Valentine's day!

Cory said...

Shoveling is supposed to be good for you. Hard for me to believe as well. Good luck on the future addition.

MarathonChris said...

During those long cold winters growing up in Vermont (see why I live in FL now??) sometimes I would look out at the snow and think that spring was not coming that year....well it always did! You will be outside before you know it.

BTW, if you haven't already heard, you were successful in promoting your blog. You are Steve Runner's blog of the week on Phedip!!! Congrats! :-)

David said...

For a guy who has had four kids before who is your age, you sure are jacked about the next one.
I was at the slightly elevated ho-hum level when the second one came. Then again, that was a long time ago and my memory fades.

Kevin said...

You are right, I AM JACKED about this. I've loved kids forever and this one will keep me young, or I'll die trying!
I think maybe you have forgotten. Your older son inspired you to get off your slacker butt. I'm SURE they both inspried you ro do so many other things. This new baby is inspiring me in ways I can't even describe already, and it's not even born yet! And I'm way past my age having any effect whatever on this great event.