Connor sucks down that bottle like it's his last meal while he stares up at me. And after he eats, he just looks at me with those wide eyes and slowly drifts back to sleep. It's truly the best hour of my day! Now if I could convince Connor that we could also have that bonding time at 9:00 pm!
The progress I have been making with my diet and running have also been interrupted. My weight is holding steady, which is better than adding to it, and I am getting out of the door to run, but the total miles is way down. It seems I am always rushing to get back for some reason. Since Connor's birth, I have made it to the gym for my morning run exactly once. The first thing I have been doing at 3:00 am before climbing back into bed is to re-set my alarm from 4:30 am! I need to get back into that morning run habit so I know I have the time and I know it's out of the way for the day. Like I said before, I think a half marathon later in the year to point to would help with that too.
I always do better when I have some goal to point to. Some large event in my life I need to prepare for. Something to PUSH me. Know what I mean? It doesn't have to be something like having a baby or turning 50! Just an incentive of some kind.The next big event in my life I need to get ready for is my daughters graduation from law school! That happens on May 19th. Plenty of time!
Kevin - thanks for your great comment on my blog and you are definitely a friend. Oh that I could come over and do some babysitting and bottle-giving for you - I can't tell you how much I'd like to do that for you, your wife, Conner and, of course - myself! One day, one day.. But in the meantime don't beat yourself up for not running when you have a brand new baby. Cut yourself some slack. If you can get out, do - but if you just can't, or are too tired - this phase will pass so quickly, so just enjoy the 2 am feeds and the bonding and the running regularity will come back to you soon. Before you know it you'll be getting a babyjogger and taking your son out there with you. Promise!
Of course I meant to write Connor..
Kevin, Connor sounds neat. I have a little one due around the time of your daughters graduation. I am so looking forward to those feedings and time with my little one. Will keep you posted.
Kevin, you are doing so great keeping up with things even with the new little one around. Don't be too hard on yourself.
I agree that having a goal to shoot for is a motivation factor. Knowing I have a race around the corner helps me to keep focused!
Enjoy the baby (I am sure I don't have to tell you). Before you know it, he will be asking for the car keys. :-)
You're doing great! Enjoy your time with Connor. Run when you can, but also sleep when there is a chance.
You know we'll be rooting for you on when you run that half marathon.
That Connor is a looker, I say!
I am so impressed with your daddy diligence! I say any run you can fit in is a bonus right now.
But do set a half-marathon goal. Will it be the Worldwide Half?
They need spell check! ;-)
My oldest turned 19 today! Doesn't seem possible. Enjoy these moments while you have them.
I think a race is a great motivator too.
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