Friday, March 23, 2007

NON Stress Test???? Yea right.

I ask you... When they do a "Non Stress test" on a pregnant woman, past her due date, just WHO'S stress are they measuring?
All I can tell you is that in this weeks doctor visit, my wife was given one of these non-stress tests and passed. Passed?
Not if it was measuring HER stress!
So still 1 centimeter. No new news on the baby front except "statically speaking, you will probably deliver within the next 5 days". Gotta love it when they reduce my little miracle to a statistic.
All still goes well with my diet and running. Eating very healthy these days and running like a crazy man. I think I know that when the baby comes, my running will be reduced a lot, so I'm trying to cram in as much running as I can before that happens. I've run every day for the past 2 weeks, with the exception of one day off. The nice weather keeps calling my name!
On a lighter note...
Did I ever mention to you that my current "youngest" child happens to be a set of twin boys?
Yep.. twin boys who turned 23 this past Tuesday. Twin boys attending THE Ohio State University, turning 23 during SPRING BREAK in Florida! I keep turning on MTV praying not to see them with some body part fuzzed out!
So this past Tuesday night, at 2:00 am, my phone rings, waking me and more importantly my "non-stressed" stressed out wife, who never went back to sleep! Oh and the reason he called me (other than to scare the CRAP outta me)? His so called buddies took him out, got him drunk, and thought it would be funny to leave him lost in a strange place.
I ask you, is it a sign of my age that I see nothing funny about doing this to someone?


Susan said...

Hang in there! Soon you'll be a daddy AGAIN!!!! Then 23 yars from now you'll be getting more phonecalls...

Maddy said...

The phone call from the lost son surely trumps the phone call from the son in jail.

Why do these phone calls only come at 2:00 AM?

And think of this, there is so much love and respect there that when in a jam, the boys call dad!

One last word for the doctor: PITOCIN It works wonders... ;-)

Petraruns said...

Hey Kevin,
Just found your blog via Phedip, Adam and MarathonChris - and wow! what a time to find you at! How incredibly exciting! It's great to read up on what's happening - I'm going to be checking in very regularly now..

Cory said...

I loved the "some part of the body fuzzed out" piece. That had me giggling. You can return the favor at 2 am when you are up with the baby.

Irish Blue said...

This post made me laugh out loud. I have a kid in college and even though they are there to *get educated*, they aren't always the sharpest tools in the shed, are they? My kid let his roomate Reggie borrow his cell phone. Reqqie called his woman 55 times in one night! My son says, "How was I to know Mom?" Ugggghhhh...

Hang in there with the baby situation. If I were you, I'd be sleeping like 12 hours a day!