Wednesday, May 23, 2007

On To My Next Challenge

Lets recap my 2007 so far, shall we? So far this year, my life has included the following:

  • Had a PERFECT baby boy in March

  • Turned *cough, cough* 50 in April

  • Had a daughter graduate from Law School in May

Not bad for a full year, huh? But I'm not done yet! Here is what I have left this year:

  • One son graduates from THE Ohio State University in June

  • My oldest daughter gets married in July

  • My other son graduates from THE Ohio State University in October

Not bad for one year huh?

The graduation last weekend went perfect, well, it went perfect and was very LONG!! Imagine 300 adults being named individually, walking across a stage, being "hooded", getting diplomas, and walking off. Not something I would recommend doing for the fun of it! But since one of my babies was there.. I wouldn't have missed it for the world! Check it out...

So next on my list is another graduation, only this time we are talking about a few THOUSAND graduates at Ohio State! I've already been through 3 OSU graduations (2 undergrads and one masters), so I feel like I could do it myself!

On the running front, my running is still going great, for me anyway! Over 30 miles a week and feeling very good every run. But I did maybe do a stupid thing... I told Melisa I would run the half marathon at The United State Air Force Marathon on September 15th! My thought was that it would be a good warm up for her since she is running The Columbus Marathonon October 21st. But I wasn't really expecting her to say YES! So once again I've made a commitment to a woman and had second thoughts! Story of my life ;-)



Irish Blue said...

So you thought I'd say no? I guess I showed you, didn't I. ;-)

Seriously, you don't have to do it. Why don't you give it some thought.

Wow, your kids rock!

Kevin said...

Oh no... I asked you and I wanna do it! It'll be a blast!

MarathonChris said...

I think to top the year off right you should do a marathon with the rest of us in late October....what do you say?

Cute, cute, cute baby!!! :-)

Maddy said...

What a year! And it's only May!

Congrats on your running and all things non-running too!

Susan said...

Grr! Blogger just ate my comment!

Short recap: congrats, half will go well, should do a full late in the year, loving Connor's photos!