Monday, June 30, 2008

Back from vacation and ready for another one!

Four hours (one way) on a bus to get to New York to see the Reds play the Yankees and it was SO worth it!!! If you have never been to Yankee Stadium, you should get there this year before it's reduced to rubble. The history of that place is amazing. The Reds came out on the short end of the scoreboard, but rooting for the Reds was only my second reason for being there. What a cool place!

But it doesn't take an 8 hour bus trip to make a 15 month old happy! Thank goodness all THAT takes is a trip to the local school play ground. Remember when it was THAT easy to make yourself happy? Well I don't but it's that easy for me again!

On the running front, not a lot going on. Still getting out the door 4-5 times a week, but mostly leaving my enthusiasm at home. Not sure what's up with that, but I guess that will return soon enough.

I've been going to the track once a week for the past month for some interval work. It feels SO good AFTER I finish!!!

Just need to hang in another month for my trip to Chicago and more another long weekend of making myself happy!


Thursday, June 5, 2008

First Trip To The Zoo

It's been years since I had been to the zoo myself, but taking a child for the first time was like going for the first time myself.

I'm not too sure how old he should be before I break the news that not EVERY animal at the zoo is a "dog-dog", but who cares. There is nothing like helping my son discover new things. "Finest Kind"

The summer heat has begun hitting us here in Cincinnati, (not like my friends in Fla., but still hot) and it's made my lunch time runs more of a challenge. I seem to rotate between "I can't breath in this humidity" and "It feels good to sweat like this". No complaints yet.

Big plans to see JERSEY BOYS with my wife this weekend! A very cool Broadway play AND a date with my sweetie! Again I say... Finest Kind.

Also have final plans to visit YANKEE STADIUM soon to see this "House That Ruth Built" before it is torn down next year.

Probably followed by a trip to Chicago!

Summer is shaping up nicely ;-)
