Family is SO nice to see, but there is also something to be said for having your ho
use back and things returning to "normal" once again. Don't you think?
We had about 15 people in the house this past Sunday for Connor's baptism. What a perfect day it was! Needless to say, Connor did NOT wear the dress!! (Kevin- 1, Wife-0) Also needless to say, he was perfect during the baptism also. Slept for about 99% of it, only waking to voice (loudly) his hunger in the car on the way home.
An entire weekend of great food and great family. Life is good.
On the running front....
Since my house was full of "babysitters", I was able to get some good running in this weekend. My wife and I actually ran together for the first time since July 3 of last year! How special was that!
Also, I went out for a slow "long" run yesterday. I had intended on doing a 7 mile run but felt better the more I ran, and couldn't stop thinking about running a half, maybe two, this fall, and I kept going! 8.75 miles later I was done. I haven't run that far since May 31, 2006! I was very happy to get that mileage in, but the happiness was dampened a tad later in the afternoon when the soreness set in. Still, a nice LONG run!
So there I was, laying in my bed last night, thinking about a fall marathon (NO comments please)! My last Marathon was October 9, 1995. I "Bonked" in that run, at least for me at that time, finishing in 4:27:20... walking and cursing. I'd PAY for a finish time like that now!
I've been
lightly considered a marathon recently. I already know what YOU all are going to say. But we shall see. 26.2 is a LONG was from 8.75!!
I had what I thought was a BRILLIANT idea when all my Blog Buds started talking about running halves and/or fulls this fall and all of us tracking our training progress together. Check out what Chris has put together
HERE.How cool would it be for each of us to record a short wav/mp3 file about our goals/progress as we train. Someone would just have to "string" them all together with an intro and post them. We would do this weekly or bi-weekly and end the podcast in the fall after we all run our races and give our race updates.
Associate our runs to the
Phedippidations World Wide Half Marathon and I know
Steve would give us a shout out! No doubt
Nigel would too! Heck, maybe we could get the elusive
Adam Tinkoff to mention it!
I ran this idea by Chris, and she gave me some idea of what this would take. Not much money, but maybe more time that I had thought. Anyway.. Just an idea. Anyone have all this time on their hands? ;-)